Michael Maskalans wrote:
> On 12-Jun, 2012, at 13:58 , Josh Battles wrote:
>>> So have you come up with an alternate explanation or acronym for it yet?
>> No, I'm not sure it would be believable. The plate is pretty easy to
>> decipher as is. I'm looking forward yo when the plate surround I ordered
>> comes, it says "you're a" above the plate.
> I LOLed.
> Tasteless and hilarious.
> I seriously cannot believe they let it through. I wonder if it'll ever get recalled.
> --
> Michael Maskalans
> Rochester NY
That's simple, #1 Illinois NEEDS the $$, #2 the person(s) checking these
things are currently way more worried about their retirement than they
are about doing their job. We have put 2 of the last the governors in
jail for corruption, and I think our state has the worst credit rating
of all...in short,nobody cares..
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