It's probably the speed/distance sensor that lives on the transmission
tailshaft. The speedo cable screws into it and there's a wire plugged
into it that goes to the engine controller. The sensor sends a signal to
the engine that the vehicle is still in motion so that the engine doesn't
die. The sensor's relatively inexpensive (as those things go) at about
$50 or so. When mine went it'd die at every stop for awhile then work
fine. It'd always restart immediately though. Some sort of an internal
short I guess.
Larry Elliott, '92 3.9 4x4 LE
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, m kent wrote:
> I have a '94 Club cab V8. With the a/c on, when it is really hot outside and
> my truck is good and warmed up, it dies every time I slow down. It runs ok
> before it gets warm. It runs ok when the a/c is on and it isn't real hot
> outside. No problem on the highway, until I get off the exit ramp and slow
> for that first stop. Sometimes it seems I can keep it running if I down
> shift. Any ideas?
> MK
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