Cc: Dakota Mailing List; Mopar Mailing List
From: Clement_D on Fri, Jul 12, 1996 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: Plastic radiator tank failure
I know it's too late now but for future reference. You can buy after market
relacement radiators that are all metal for approx. $200 and they come with
a lifetime warranty. I had the band that clamps the tank to the core on my
85 Daytona split allowing the raditor to leak. I got an all metal
replacement for $175.00 with the lifetime warranty. Also, the replacement
radiator in my Dakota from the accident last winter is all metal. The
inflated body shop price was $250 but since the insurance company was paying
I did not question it.
Dave Clement
>From: wgcount@husc.HARVARD.EDU@INTERNET on Thu, Jul 11, 1996 10:20 PM
>Hey all,
> I didn't think it could happen to me. ....
>I drove the truck later and I noticed a little trail of coolant in my
>driveway. It seems that in my exuberent demonstration of my irritation
>with the tailgater, my waterpump worked so well as to prise the plastic
>tank off my radiator away from the fins. The replacement cost of a new
>radiator (the plastic tanked ones cannot be rebuilt it seems) was $298.
>My replacement also has a plastic tank.
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