Kuk, apology accepted. No big deal.
Everyone else, can't we all just get along? We should save our ire for
Chevy and Ford trucks, the Raiders and the Packers, OBD-III and Smog Check
II, etc.
At 11:49 PM 10/12/96 -0400, Kukukooter@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 96-10-12 19:24:52 EDT, boballen@sky.net (Robert Allen)
><< 4) Yep, some inconsiderate moron did send a 1.8 meg file. And we all
> know who he was. And he, obviously, is still around. >>
>Well, I guess thru my NET ignorance, I apparently made an unknowing mistake,
>please accept my apology for sending this attached file. I was not aware of
>it's consequences to follow. My provider gives me the option to download
>attached files or not. My mistake in believing most others did also.
>So, if all of you honestly believe that I sent that file to wreak havok on
>your personal
>computers, E-mail me back with your answer and I'll unsubscribe myself from
>list. Because if you all don't ever make mistakes, and I have many, then I
>don't need
>to be a part of this "perfect" mailing list...sincerest apologies...
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