'97 Rear Sliding Window

From: L. J. Morris (ljohn@alltel.net)
Date: Thu Apr 10 1997 - 20:25:24 EDT


What the hell silver frame are you talking about? Mine and every other one
I have seen is black, but did you ever notice Dodge never shows a view of
the truck from an angled rear shot brochures, advertisements, TV. I
imagine this is due to the fact that the truck looks a little cockeyed from
that perspective. My Dealer parks them with the rear facing the highway
(dumb) and I saw it on the first one they received. To much body above the
window or something.

L. John Morris<ljohn@alltel.net>
!!!!! ... your local *HEMI* owner ...!!!!!
'97 SLT+ CC 4x4
5.2L, 5spd, 3.92SG


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