I currently have a Lund soft tonneau now, came with the truck, but I
dislike it for a couple of reasons.
1. The snaps are not the easiest to fasten when you get down to the last
2. You still have the frame across the top of the endgate even after
removing the top.
I am looking at replacing mine with a roll-up model, the Access by
Agri-Cover Inc, that totally opens up the bed when rolled up. It uses hook
and loop on the sides and mounts so that you can still use the stake
pockets for tie down or what ever. I don't know if they sell retail or not,
but we have a dealer here in town anyway. Has anyone looked into one of
these before? What kind of price did you pay for it?
Keith R Wanderi
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hostetler [SMTP:zigzag2@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 1997 6:21 AM
To: dakota@ait.fredonia.edu
Subject: Tonneau Covers
I am going to but a soft tonneau cover. I have considered the following
, the Downey SST, Extang Classic or the TekStyle. I favor the Downey at
time, but I am looking for feed back or other suggestions. I will putting
it on a
Black 96 Sport. Richard zigzag2@worldnet.att.com
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