RE: New exhaust for '97

From: James Bird (
Date: Thu Jul 03 1997 - 19:28:05 EDT

The cheapest mail order I found was "Truck Performance" at $535 +$10 shipping. 800-719-8100, I spoke to 'Eric'

I'm not sure when they'll be shipping. They said they'll call Monday to let me know.

James Bird
'97 Dakota CC, V8, 5sp, 4x4, 3.55 gears, loaded, 500w of serious sound

-----Original Message-----
From: Jarrod Pilone []
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 1997 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: New exhaust for '97

who did ya order yer headers from and are they made for the '97s? or are
they the same for the '96s??

i want headers but havent looked into this yet.

Jarrod Pilone
'97 Dakota CC Sport V8, Flowmaster, FIPK
'72 Dodge Demon, future 12 second 1/4 mile car

> I ordered my Doug Thorley headers and DynaFlow Race Magnum exhaust today.

> After all the messages floating around this forum, I decided to do a 3"
> and dual 2.5" out. I figured w/ the K&N and Headers, that should be
> flow.
> Now all I need is to get that upgraded chip!
> Can't wait to try them out!
> James Bird
> '97 Dakota CC, V8, 5sp, 4x4, 3.55 gears, loaded, 500w of serious sound
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