It is possible to turn that feature off. In MicroSloth Outlook (or
Exchange), under the Tools, Options send mail as type, change from MIME to
Text. This will eliminate the MIME extensions that are added to the text.
Pat Buthmann
-----Original Message-----
From: Harold W. Borders []
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 1997 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: winmail.dat
At 06:40 PM 7/23/97 +0900, you wrote:
>I have noticed that several people, when sending mail on the list, have a
>winmail.dat file attached. What is it and is anyone else aware of this?
>98' Dakota Sport, CC, 318, 5spd.
They are formatting codes for MicroSquish software (like Exchange). If you
don't have the correct software on the other end, they just sit there in
your attachment directory until they take over your HD. A weekly house
cleaning is in order for me. It sure would be nice if it's possible to turn
that feature off.
-Buddy Borders
'95 SLT CC, V-8, Auto, F/G Cap
begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT
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