Actually Jon, I think we went through this problem with a few people
before. It had to do with the heavy duty hazard / turn-signal flashers
under the dash (big silver things in fuse panel). Basically they were the
standard issue units, and caused all sorts of electrical problems with
people towing trailers. They may short out, and then blow fuses left,
right and center. Try replacing the stock ones with heavy duty ones (any
autoparts store) and this may help. And as far as your trailer goes, I'd
have it checked out. It probably has electric brakes on it, which would
account for the extra draw on current, as most trailers over a certain
length / weight are required to have electric brakes. (Canada anyway).
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Steiger []
Sent: Friday, August 29, 1997 11:08 PM
Subject: Electical problems with trailer :-P
It seems like every time I pull my Haulmark trailer, I get electrical
problems. Its an enclosed 20' trailer that uses the round, 7 way barden
(varden?) plug.
The brake light/buzzer fuse blows, as well as the emergency flashers,
signals, and the ABS system fuse. I just took my trailer on a trip, and
I was going through fuses like they were candy. After returning and
unhooking the trailer, everything is back to normal except the hazard
flashers. When I push the hazard button they don't flash, they just stay
on. Before, when it was hooked to the trailer, they would flash faster and
faster until the fuse blew (if I let it go that far).
I don't have the trailer tow package and hence, no beefed up alternator,
etc. I wouldn't think that powering some extra trailer lights would cause
all those problems though. Also, I'm confused as to why the hazards are
still screwed up. I'm going to have the trailer looked at in case there
are some wiring problems there; that's all I can think of. Any other
In the meantime, how should I get my hazards working again? The fuse is
fine; is the problem one of those honkin' silver things next to the fusebox
If this is indeed because of not enough charge coming out of
the alternator, what's going to happen when I upgrade the radio?
Underdrive pulleys seem out of the question. :-)
Thanks very much in advance for any help or advice!
.--- --
| DoD# 1038, EAA# 518210, NMA# 117376, USUA# A46209, KotWitDoDFAQ, RP-SEL
| '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT Club Cab, '96 Kolb FireFly 447 (#FF019)
I do not speak for the SUNY College at Fredonia; any opinions are my
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