Re: Sliding Rear Window: Yes or No?

From: Richard A Pyburn (
Date: Fri Sep 19 1997 - 14:38:51 EDT

I've got the slider on my '95 CC SLT, my second Dakota CC. I rarely use
it because debris tends to blow in through it from the back to the front
while you're driving. I prefer to just use the flip-out windows in the
back cab. Airflow that way is front to back and quite comfortable. I live
in San Antonio, TX. It's currently 98 degrees outside and I rarely use
the A/C. I just flip open those pop-outs and open the passenger side
window slightly.
I haven't had any vision problems at all and I can also reach it quite
easily from the driver's seat (I, too, am 6'3"). If it's an option, I'd
forego it. i thought it was part of the SLT package.


On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 21:46:21 -0400 "Dick Campagna"
<> writes:
>When I order my '98 Dakota club cab, should I order the sliding rear
>window? I know that they provide an easy way for a crook to break in
>the vehicle, and I've heard some complaints about them blocking rear
>vision. Do they help that much with ventilating the truck while
>cruising? Or is the breeze uncomfortable? Thanks.
>Por Favore, Non Mi Rompere i Coglioni. Grazie!
>Dick C.

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