Re: Digest

Date: Sat Oct 25 1997 - 20:00:20 EDT

In a message dated 97-10-24 13:07:46 EDT, you write:

<< 5-speeds RULE!
>The reason more people don't drive them and hide behind their
>slushboxes is because they can't drive a 5-speed, never took
>the time to learn!
>Just my opinion!
>'93 CC V6 5SP 4x4
 -Hmmmmm, them sounds like fighting words. 8-) >>

Yepper I wanted to keep it to us auto folks but ole Rich needs to know the
truth. There are 2 reasons to buy a 5 speed 1) You just don't know any better
and 2) you just can't afford a good transmission now on the other there are 2
reasons to buy a auto 1) you have worked hard enough and have the money to
spend for the better transmission and 2) because your smarter than those
other guys. You gave your self away Rich ahhhh you seem like a nice guy
otherwise. I wouldn't mind taking up a collection to help out some of you 5
speed guys get something with a good tranny but even I am not wealthy enough
to help you all...ho ho ho


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