Just a question but is it really fair to compare a caviler to a DAK? or a
85 to a 96? it would seem to me that your comparing apples to oranges...
now i had a 79 chevy luv that lasted until 97, and that was with being in
chicago till 89, michigan till 95, and then i finally decided not to put in
the new clutch. during it's life it was totaled once, wrecked numerous
times, and even had three 50' georgia pines fall on it and it kept on
running. I think all in all it was a good truck, now i fully expect my DAK
to keep up and perhaps surpass the rep of my little luv truck, especially
since i now know how to drive and don't plan on wrecking it. and if i
remember correctly the mopar competition to a 85 caviler is an omni,
personally i wouldn't drive either.
At 01:52 AM 1/19/98 EST, you wrote:
>Just to make another comment about chebby-junk! My work car just died on me
>earlier today-got towed in. Fuel pump on my 85 cavalier went. Have to drop
>tank to replace it. Not taking my dakota out in the snow though. Just
>another example about the competition-nothing compares to a mopar. Only nice
>thing about the deal is I get to take my Dad's car to work-96 Intrepid.
>Mopar- the only way to go if you want to go anywhere!
>94 Dakota Sport-41,000 miles
>Dad-96 intrepid-28,000 miles
>Mom-93 Caravan-17,000 miles
>I come from a Mopar family and proud of it!
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