Re: RE: RE:Safety BS

From: Andy Callahan (
Date: Sun Mar 01 1998 - 17:52:48 EST

At 05:20 PM 3/1/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>Yeah but unlike the little experiment you mentioned, a trucker has a
>seatbelt to keep him from slamming into the steel wall, if you strap the
>egg in well on one end of the steel box then let it fall with the other
>end first the egg won't be damaged either.... Okay no one hardly ever
>survives hitting a concrete wall at 70 miles per hour, whether their in a
>"steel box" or in a crumple zone car so that one doesn't count, I've never
>seen a wreck where someone hit a concrete wall that anyone walked away
>from, those are the wrecks where they have covered bodies on the side of
>the road as you go past... I will take my chances with steel around me as
>opposed to plastic/composites anyday......

Go ahead and try it Bruce. The egg in the steel box with the seat belt
will still break. The force will still be absorbed by the egg and not the
container. The seat belt will actually cause injuries. Trust me. We did
all this in AP Physics in high school. Aren't you a mechanical engineering
major? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else. It would seem strange
for you to argue for the steel container if you were a mechanical
engineering major. Oh well, all I can say is go try it for yourself. Then
maybe you'll be convinced.

Andy Callahan

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