Re: re fog vs.aux.driving lights

From: Thinknet (
Date: Tue Mar 03 1998 - 22:18:18 EST

its been a while so i can't give real good directions, but you will see
what look like underground parking garages in the middle of two lanes of
traffic on a few streets (Wacker Blvd. has one, and there are more, i think
around navy pier or so) go down in there, that is the first level below the
streets, the second is a bit tricker to find but it is near the
expressways. You best bet would to be to talk to the truckers when you get
near the city, you can sometimes see the roads when you go by a bridge.


At 08:55 AM 3/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> George,
>> Cuervo is the name of my albino burmese python, she is about 3 years old,
>> had her since she was a baby and now is about 15 feet and ~150 pounds, i am
>> usually introduced as the guy with the snake, so i took this name about 2
>> years ago and use it for all my non work related e-mail. as for the
>> driving lights, what i was originally trying to find out is if anybody knew
>> how to make it so that it works with the brights, i could really use the
>> light son the sides of the road when i drive in the "backwoods" and need
>> the brights.
>> as for chicago traffic, i drove a box truck downtown for about 2.5 years,
>> if you learn the "emerald City" you will be able to beat most traffic, just
>> watch out for the homeless and the big trucks, (hint: find lower wacker)
>> then if you feel really adventurous, there is another level of streets
>> below that that usually only semi's use to get to the downtown stores. i
>> drove it a few times but it always gave me that heeby-jeeby feeling being 2
>> stories below street level and not having any landmarks.
>> cuervo
>I've driven in some strange places before but I must say I've never driven
>2 stories below the streets before, might have to check that out if I'm
>ever in the Chicago area, how do you get down there?

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