reading your codes

Date: Wed Mar 04 1998 - 12:05:59 EST

George writes: >>Please excuse my ignorance. But how do I pull the
codes from the computer using the ignition (step by step would be

Sitting still in driveway with engine off. turn ignition on/off for 3
sequences leaving in the on position. watch the "check engine" light.
It will begin to flash. It will flash a sequence of times then short
pause then flash a sequence of times (3 flashes before/after 1st pause
is = to 3 etc. between sets of #'s there will be a long pause. (ie: 3
flashes short pause 3 more flashes is 33.) 55 is always "end of test".
If you get nothing but 5 flashes - short pause - 5 flashes the system
found no faults and completed the test.

Hope this helps.
Ardmore, AL

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