I have a problem. Once my truck warms up to normal operating temp. I
get this problem with my oil pressure. The pressure is fine while driving
or giving it gas at an idle. The problem comes in when I come to a stop or
just sit there in park. The oil pressure gauge goes all the way to the low
peg, then it goes back up to normal it does this back and forth. It is
really sporatic. Sometimes it stays so low to the point where I think it is
not going to back up again so I get ready to shutdown the engine,but then it
goes back up again. This has just started to occur in the past couple of
days. While driving it stays fine. I checked the oil level and it is the
same as when I changed it. It's not eating oil. A friend suggested that
maybe my oil pump is getting ready to go. Could this be the problem? Any
input would be grreatly apprecciated.
Thanks in advance.
George Brian Ritchie
93 cc 4x4 318 LE
@ @
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