Create your signature in ASCII text. This will allow compatibility across all e-mail platforms. Use "Notepad" if your
running WIN95 / WIN3.x.
Gary E. Klim - Somewhere in central Connecticut
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Trottmann <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, March 15, 1998 5:46 PM
Subject: DML: Signature File
>I would like to have a little signature file at the bottom with my
>e-mail, homepage, and location. So I typed one up on Word, and put it
>into my preferences box (I'm using Netscape mail) and it comes up as a
>bunch of gibberish. I've saved it in Rich Text Format, Word Format, and
>HTML, but each one just gives wierd stuff. (Wierd, that is, to a point
>and click computer user.)
>Thanks for any info.
>Robert Trottmann
>Davidson, NC- Now
>St. Louis, MO- May 10th.
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