terrible nuisance. The people yell for the state to do something about
them, the state recommends a special bow hunting season and the Bambi
lovers go berserk. I say if these animal rights people want it that way,
in order to be legal and have any say in this, their organization should
be assessed the amount of money to compensate the victims of deer
damage, We hunters have to pay so let these big mouths put their money
where their mouth is.Thus ends the sermon for today.
>From owner-dakota-truck@buffnet4.buffnet.net Fri Mar 20 04:36:35 1998
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>To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 08:25:06 -0600
>Subject: Re: DML: It's here
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>On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 20:30:27 -0500 "Ayotte, Glen wrote:
>>Picked up my DAK yesterday. Put 150 mile on it already. I don't even
>>want to leave it in the parking lot at work. Thank god that I had Mon
>>and Tue off. At least I got to cruise around for a little while.
>>Only one word can describe this truck, AWESOME......
>>Glenn Ayotte
>> Ain't it great??
>>P.S. I think someone's bad luck (we won't mention any names) almost
>>caught up with me. 105 miles on the truck and three dears come
>>out of the woods at me. Luckily I had my fog lights on and caught
>>out of the corner of my eye. Lived in Connecticut for 28 years. I
>>seen 2 dears before this incident (both while I was out mountain
>>biking), I buy a brand new truck and I see more bambies in one day,
>>than I have seen in my whole life. Wow.........
>>Glad you saw them. We've got them all over the place here. I can't
>any plants in the yard since they eat everthing. Anyhow, they really
>a vehicle up when they run into them or vice versa. Keep enjoying that
>Dak; it gets better and better!
>Richard in San Antonio
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