Dak Disclaimer -Reply

From: Stephan Boianoff (sboianoff@mdc.com)
Date: Wed Mar 25 1998 - 08:28:43 EST

As a former owner of a '93 Camaro, I must say that the last part of your
post is way, way, way off base. Have you ever looked under the hood
of a new Camaro? Half the damn engine is underneath the dash. I
would muck rather work on my Dak than that thing.

>>> Michael Z-Sykes <MSykes@su.edu> 03/24/98 05:57pm >>>
Dak Diclaimer.......
 (Lemme digress here for a moment to say that I don't consider all
Mustang owners to be punks; however, it is a cheap, fast car so it
naturally attracts a large proportion of high school punks, and all of the
ones that I raced *were* punks, probably because they managed to be
the most annoying.)

yep.....the punk population tends to stick to the Pusstangs and Cumaros.
They are cheap sports cars(cheap being the operative word), and they
are easy to work on....

-mike sykes

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