I used to do a lot of automotive painting and always make it a habit to make
sure things are grounded well. I watched a guy cleaning out a paint pot one
time using lacquer thinner that was being pumped through a hose, he had his
thumb over the hose spraying the thinner and it actually ignited from the
static charge being generated by the spraying of the thinner....wouldn't
have believed it if I had not been there!
I wonder if you could rig up a grounding strap of some sort, doesn't JC
Whitney have a lot of those weird things (like those head bobbing dogs you
see on the Taco Bell commercials)? I have seen taxi cabs running around
with some sort of rubber coated strap attached to the rear bumper and
dragging on the ground. Looks stupid as hell but maybe it works!
You could go the curb feeler route and make sure you get up against a curb
every time you park to ground things out!
Seriously though, I have run into this as well...even on older cars, I think
holding on to the door frame until your foot hits the ground may be your
most practical solution....otherwise see if you can find those grounding
straps....maybe they will throw in one of those dogs for your dashboard!
>> ----------
>>From: Joe Borg
>>To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>>Subject: DML: A Shocking Experience
>>Date: Monday, March 23, 1998 7:39AM
>> My 98 Dak tries to electrocute me every time I get out and touch
>> door to close it. Anyone else having this problem? Joe
> David Rand Kirtland
> drk16@cornell.edu
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