Re: RE: R/T sighting

From: Robert Trottmann (
Date: Thu Apr 02 1998 - 00:43:59 EST

Nothing like a bang drag spark spark spark as the underside of your truck falls
out. :-)

N2mopars wrote:

> In a message dated 98-04-01 20:49:01 EST, you write:
> << Not necessarily true in all cases, I could get the seat back far enough in
> a
> reg cab to where I couldn't reach the pedals, at least not to get the right
> one to the floor but I'd get it back as far as I could and cruise in style. I
> use all that Testosterone posturing in my right leg for the best effect in my
> case..
> BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Love that laugh..
> Bill
> >>
> Actually, all the testosterone is used when rowing your own gears!!!! 5
> speeds rule!!! Nothing like a bang screech in fourth gear!!!
> Brad

Davidson, NC- Now
St. Louis, MO- May 19th
95 Sport 318 Auto 2WD

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