Re: Re: CD Player -Reply

From: Michael Z-Sykes (
Date: Mon Apr 27 1998 - 17:42:46 EDT

I had a Lyric Writing(yes, that's a real class) teacher tell me one
time...."what's good, doesn't necessarily sell, and what sells isn't
necessarily good",, meaning this- Just because a million people like
Puff Daddy, doesn't mean the guy in the car next to you does. I'm
only gonna' get a big stereo so I ca hear the music in my own truck
over the hillbillies next to me with 1000watts of Garth pumping
through the intersection (nothing against Garth, just being used for
contrasting purposes).. bottom line, from a musician, it's all about
opinions. I may like what everybody else doesn't and everybody
else... aawww you get the idea. =-)
-mike sykes

btw... check out the new issue of Motor Trend, I got a Letter

>>> jim miller <> 4/24/98, 08:18pm >>>
Well I am from Texas, but I prefer 50s - 70s rock myself. Yes Robert
I know I am old enough to
be your father but in recent days the noise I hear doesn't spund much
like music. I like a
melody, good rythem like maybe something one could dance to and workd
that make sense and don't
talk profane or about sexual acts. I like some country but the kind
that sounds like rock not
the crying in your beer type, and most of all I like to hear what I
am playing on my radio not
someone elses. I have over 1/2 a killowat of power in my car stereo
but when my wildows are
closed only I hear the sound. In other words I dont contribute to
sound polution and at the age
of 51 I can still hear as good as anybody else my age. Now I dont
call this an attack, JMHO!
Jim Miller
Waco, Tx
Dakless (still waiting)

Robert Trottmann wrote:

> I know that someone from Texas will come up here and shoot me for
saying this, but I'll
> listen to rap before I'll listen to country. As far as I'm
concerned, there is no music form
> worse than country.
> Robert, waiting pro- country attacks

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