There is (or at least was) a company that made a product called
Paintsaver. It is a heavy sheet of rubberish type material that you lay
down on your bed before you put in the liner. It is guaranteed NOT to
scratch your paint if installed properly (cut to fit). It also will not
absorb moisture and cause premature rot.
I know first hand what a plastic bedliner can do from my '89 Dak. It
was really sad to see my bed all scratched up.
So far I know of three people that have use it in their trucks, (my Dad
and sister and me for my new Ram) and NO damage to date.
It also helps with road noise if you have a cap, My Dad's '94 did not
have the liner for the first couple of months he had it. After
installing it there was a considerable decrease in road noise.
I can look for the number when I get home if your are interested.
PS- They also made a product called Rail Saver. It was a tough rubber
gasket that went on the bed rail to cushion caps. My Dad's truck also
has this and when he has to take off the cap, there is absolutely no
scratches. (His cap is clamped on).
Rob Weingart '89 LE 4x4, 194,000 miles
OK, so none of you chose to or could answer my EQ question from last
night. Here is my next one: I want to get a bed liner. My DAK is
only a couple of weeks old and I want to get it installed BEFORE I
have to put something in the back of it that will scratch or dent the
bed. I know NOTHING about them. Any suggestions, things to look out
for, brands, anything?
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