DML:Dakota stealthboxes

From: Toomey2me (Toomey2me@AOL.COM)
Date: Fri May 22 1998 - 15:35:26 EDT

I was looking at the JL Audio web page and saw some stealthboxes that fit in
the middle portion of the bench seat of a Ram. I was hoping they made this for
the Dak, but they need some more requests to build them. If you are interested
please send e-mail to:

I wrote:
>I have a 97 Dakota Regular Cab and was hoping you carried a stealthbox
>like the one for the Ram front seat. You know the middle part of the seat
>cushion. I would be very interested in buying one if you could custom make
>one. Thanks for your time.

Their Reponse:
We don't have any immediate plans to create a Stealthbox for your
vehicle, but I have added your request to our database. If we get enough
requests we'll build them.

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