Re: Throttle body mods

From: Amanda (
Date: Mon May 25 1998 - 13:56:13 EDT

At 01:16 PM 5/25/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Boy am I glad too see there are others out there who aren't afraid to do a
>little polishing and porting. It is really simple and so much fun! Yeah,
>wife can be a bit concerned about us. Mine has learned to stay out of the
>garage unless she hears some screaming....:-) Now it looks like you are ready
>to pick up some heads and start on them!
>Gene in Houston
> Am I wrong or is quite easy to subtract horsepower from a motor
  by hand porting and polishing? What if you take too much off?
  I was talking to CNC and they told me that alot of the polishing
  is cosmetics only.Personally, I think I'll leave it to someone
  witha flowbench.


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