>Any advise on the matter for a caring bother would be great.
Get onto the DML webpage and show him the pics of the wrecked Dak on
there. Just remember to leave out the fact that the driver escaped with
minimal injuries for the speeds involved. That might be enuf to shake some
sense into him.
There's nothin' wrong with a good poke at the loud pedal every once and a
while but no matter how good a driver you are....there's always the moron
that isn't payin' attention to what he's doin'.
*************1997 RPM Dakota --- 14.98 @ 91.76***********
sean meldrum
email: Home: spm@c3net.net
Work: sean_meldrum@ittauto.com
Homepage: http://surf.to/real-per4mance
Truck mods: http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/7875/signature.txt
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