RE: Cup holders and five-speeds

Date: Sun May 31 1998 - 13:38:59 EDT

> Same here... '98 5spd with console. Three holders, two smaller ones close
> to the shifter, one larger (slightly elevated) behind those two.
> The small ones hold a large McD. coke (albeit tightly!), without crushing.

You're telling me they redesigned the cupholders for 1998?
Man, I want my money back!!!
Mother Mopar knew that she screwed-up with the drinkholders
on the '97s so she fixed them on the '98s.

This sucks. I'm starting to feel like a '96 owner....
> I _do_ find that the passenger's hand, when busy adjusting volume/station/
> balance/etc., gets in the way of 1st/3rd/5th shifts. Since it's soft flesh,
> though, instead of rigid beverage containers, you just have to get behind
> the shift a bit more, and it'll work out OK. =) After the second or third
> time getting their hand crunched by an authoritative shift, they learn to
> move it outta the way!

...and move it to your lap (the hand). ;^) ;^) ;^)

> cheers,
> mike

-Scott '97, 5-spd
lots o' crushed and spilled drinks

"No, Homer, very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a
terrible strain on the illustrator's wrist."

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