Re: Dakota Replys Needed!

Date: Mon Jul 20 1998 - 10:16:53 EDT


My 97 reg cab V6 Sport has eaten a set
of front tires at 7500 miles. I had to
pay the dealership to swap them with the
rears and re-allign the front end. I
wasn't happy 'bout that. The alighnment
seems to be holding and wear seems to be

At this same time the oil pressure
readings were irratic by the factory
gauge. Dealership replaced oil pressure
sending unit. All ok since then. Their

I had the truck in for squeaking brakes.
The squeaking was coming from the driver
side rear. The dealership beveled the
shoes and the squeak went away but is
intermittant in inclimate weather.
Dealer picked up this bill.

The truck kept transmitting sharp
tapping noises throught the steering
column. Dealership replaced the
intermediate shaft in the column. Their

Still hunting this one down. The truck
makes a solid heavy sounding thump when
making left turns over bumpy roads were
the truck gets tossed around
thu-thu-thump-thu-thump-thu. They can't
seem to find the cause but I'm still
pestering them.

I havn't had any pinging probs or O2
probs and the 3.9 5spd 3.55SG is giving
me 20mpg mixed driving.

Sincerely hope this helps! Good Luck!

Matt Plowman

***PLEASE REPLY BEFORE 8/10/98!!!!!***
Dear Dakota Owners,
Hello, My name's Judith Rodriguez, and I own a early model 1997 Dodge Dakota 3.9
Sport truck. I have been experiencing numerous problems with this truck, many o
which have not been solved. Some of my problems are excessive tire wear, excess
e and at some points very loud pinging, power steering problems, and O2 sensor p
blems. My O2 sensor had to be replaced recently, and parts had to be specially
dered for my power steering problem. If you have also experienced ANY of these
oblems, please email me BEFORE AUGUST 10'th! I am going through the Lemon Law p
cedure, and need this valuable information to present before Chrysler Corp.
Judith A. Rodriguez
P.S.: If you wish to remain unknown, that's O.K.!
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