> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 01:38:11 -0500
> To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
> From: "Jim, Donna, Erin, and Brian" <leefam@wcc.net>
> Subject: Re: DML: Re: Dakota R/T
> Reply-to: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
> Hot Rod tested a Dak R/T RC and got a 14.85 @ 91 out of it. Damn good for
> a truck, or a sports car! Mustwang Cobra's are in a totally different
> territory tryin' to fight Shamaros and Firechickens. Just 'cause a 250 hp
> truck doesn't beat a 300+ horse car (that weighs less), don't be
> disappointed. Dakotas are easy to upgrade, cheaper to upgrade(when we buy
> in groups ;-) ), cost less(execpt at some of those punk-ass dealerships),
> and have more capability than a car. What else can tow a sh*tload of stuff
> and then run 14's??
> Besides, I only have to own one vehicle - not only does it go fast, but it
> also hauls stuff.
> Brian
What issue of Hot Rod was this in? I missed it!!
|{eith R. Phelps
Cat..... the other white meat.
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