Chris lang wrote:
> Watch out some of those preludes are fast for rice burners. Either the one
> you spanked was a no options model or the driver was a moron. My dad has
> one and i thought it was another stupid rice burner piece of crap until i
> drove it all i can say is it hauls ass and it handles even better. The
> thing was awesome 202 horsepower and it weighs nothing. I havent raced him
> im my dak but i'm almost positive he'd kick the snot out of me. I'm going
> to have to race him now to see what it;s really got. It wont hold up as
> well as the dak though he hit my truck when it was parked in the driveway
> and it crumpled the front fender like the tin can it was and did nothing to
> my truck at all (V)opar rules. I'd still take my truck over it anyday.
> Bahahahahaha!!!!!
Yah true, fella here at work has a Prelude... pretty quick, but
like I said, we were on a hill. Those "steroid gerbil on a
treadmill" engines have to work _real_ hard to beat a Dak
going uphill. He had no chance. Given that, I go for what's
behind door #2 - the guy was a moron for trying :-). Hence,
the spankage he had to suffer muahahahaha!
Have fun,
-- John Bell "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler." - Albert Einstein
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