My V6 (now complete with headers) will let out a good sqeal IF I
"power-brake". Sometimes it'll get the truck sideways a little on a good
day. Left some rubber at a light today after work, just cuz' I can! Ha! I
love my headers!!!
-mike d.
88, V6, LE, 3.55, SlushBox, mild mods >or<
"Illiterate? Write for a free brochure..." =)
On Tue, 14 Jul 1998 21:32:02 -0400 "Gary E. Klim" <>
>My 98 4x4 CC 5.2 with 3.55 and auto will always at least "chirp" if I
>the throttle from a stop. Sometimes the tires will light to the point
>to back off, but this happens maybe 5% of the time.
>Gary E. Klim - Somewhere In Connecticut
>Have you done any mods to yours? I also have several hundred pounds
>manuals and parts in the back. Maybe I ought to take them out
>huh. :)
>Drew Schofield
>1998 Sport 4x4 5.2 CC Black
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