Upgrade chip

From: tommyv@thecia.net
Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 16:01:57 EDT

Ok, I lost the original meesage this responding to.
But yes according to the 1998 Key parts catalog (my speed shop passes them out every year
when they come, I love these guys!)MOPAR PERFORMANCE makes for the 92 v6 a SBEC chip!!
part no. p5249521 (MOPAR # ??)
As far as my Magnum Performance Catalog. I haven't got it in the mail yet, I hope it
comes soon though.
And everytime I go to a local dealer and request a MOPAR Performance Catalog I get this
blank stare and go home empty handed. I just e-mailed MOPAR requesting one though direct
I hope this works

Anybody remeber what the URL was for the R\T Hoods was that was poted about a week ago?

Sorry about the ramble..........."psychonaut"

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