(no subject)

From: (no email)
Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 15:44:33 EDT

> From: Gary Ludwick <gludwick@csi.com>
> To: Dakota Newsgroup <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
> Subject: DML: oil color
> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 17:23:24 -0400
> Reply-to: dakota-truck@buffnet.net

> >>Hey Gary,
> isn't that the job of the oil filter??? If the filter isn't doing IT'S
> job, then your oil should be black. But the oil is there for
> lubrication, not cleaning the engine internals, that's only a by-product
> of the fluid movement. I say buy the best filter you can, and your oil
> should look as good coming out of the block as it did going in. IMHO
> anyway. <<
> Sounds logical but it ain't so. Combustion by-products - including gases -
> aren't caught by the oil filter...and will contaminate the oil...turning it
> dark brown or black.
> BTW, once had an automotive engineer tell me that the oil filter is the most
> unnecessary part on a modern combustion engine....that most engines would
> run as well and last as long without one. Not an engineer myself, but I
> respect that person's knowledge.

If the manufacturers thought they could do without an oil filter,
they would eliminate the passageway to the filter, the bypass, etc,
and save mucho dinero on each vehicle. Obviously they don't think it
is unnecessary.

|{eith R. Phelps

Cat..... the other white meat.

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