Re: Dak Cruise In

From: Mike P Sykes (
Date: Sun Jul 26 1998 - 23:12:25 EDT

>>> What about VA Beach?<<<

Hey! I live about 45 minutes from Va Beach! I'll be in town untill Aug
18th. No strips around here, but plenty of punks who don't care. They'll
race anything that sounds like it is modified....even if it's just an
exhaust leak =) I know there is a show In Va. Beach, but nothin' but a
bunch of local chop-shop crap. I don't know when it is, but it's really
not worth checkin' out =)... gimme a buzz, when ya' comin' out?

-mike d.

88, V6, LE, 3.55, SlushBox, mild mods >or<

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