A Vortech doesn't just whistle, it screams and can be heard for blocks away.
A better bet would be just duct cold air from the side of the radiator to
the K&N
cone air filter. Additionally, I ran the oil feed for the Vortech through an
Oil cooler before feeding the supercharger. A lot cheaper and easier to
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael DuBose [SMTP:mdubose@vt.edu]
> Sent: Monday, September 14, 1998 8:57 PM
> To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
> Subject: Re: DML: Vortech& Ram-Air hood question
> Everything that you said sounds really feasable. You probalbly won't have
> enought clearance to put the air to air intercooler ontop on the engine.
> You
> might be able to get the right side nostrile. All you can do is
> exsperiment and
> take measurements and see what intercoolers you could use. I wouldn't run
> the
> intake for the supercharger through the stock box beause I would be afraid
> of
> starving the supercharger of its valuable air thus decreasing the power
> gains.
> Good luck.
> Michael DuBose
> jim miller wrote:
> > What I want to do is use the ram air hood to cool a air to air
> intercooler
> > located in the duct between the supercharger and the throttle body
> input.
> > Looks possible to me if there is a ram air hood which can give enough
> > clearance for the intercooler. Perhaps the dual nostril type. Then you
> would
> > gain from using the hood and the SC. I do believe, however, that the
> K&N
> > cone filter on the SC input could be ducted to the opening on the left
> of the
> > radiator on 97-99 models. Also I haven't heard a SC running but I hear
> they
> > "whistle while they work". If that whistle is heard at the input
> filter, and
> > one didn't want it to be heard, (as in sleeper) maybe run the input
> through
> > the stock filter box to quiet it down?
> > Jim in Waco.
> >
> > > Is having a Vortech SC and a functional Ram-Air Hood on the same
> truck
> > > > possible?
> > >
> > > Don't think that it is possible since the supercharger takes air from
> the
> > > left side of the engine compartment. I truly don't think that you
> would
> > > notice that big of a difference if you could get it to work anyway.
> >
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