Patrick and Kelly Engram wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > Make sure your fuel pump is humming loud, open you gas cap and turn the key
> > over and listen for a loud hum, I went through 4 fuel pumps with my 93 Dak 4x4
> > and had similar problems like you are having...
> I just tried this. I heard the hum, but it still wouldn't start. Seems
> to me
> it's in the ignition system. I did a voltage check on my coil input
> wires,
> absolutely no juice is getting to the coil (when hot, it still starts
> fine
> when it cools off). Thanks anyway,
> Dan""
> Ok, if the coil isnt getting voltage, go check the ASD (AutoShutDown)
> relay. If that's ok, you've got to go all the way back to the ignition
> switch.
> Patrick
Just went through this-if the asd relay (10 Bones) doesn't start her
(mine did not) I towed it to dodge-they ran a diagnostic & found it was
the ignition plate (shit,i think)somewehere in the vicinity of the
stem connection to the cap the cut-off wa occuring,170 bones later and
she's startin like a mutha again.
geo. '89 Shelby Dakota #288
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