Tire rotation is one of the best things you can do for your tires, the ride
of the truck, and your pocket book. By rotating them you extend the life of
your tires and thus you spend less money because you don't have to buy new
tires after 20,000 miles or less. The ride in your truck will be smoother
because all of the tires are wearing evenly. A lot of people ignore tire
rotation but if you have a R/T (like I do) you want to take care of your
tires because I don't want to have to spend 200 bucks a tire for new ones
20,000 miles from now (well that is under normal driving conditions having an
R/T driving is nothing but normal especially when you get up next to a person
who thinks that they have a fast car). My suggestion. ROTATE!!!
Gary Hedlin wrote:
> is it common for the 2 rear tires to slip when its wet out, or should I
> replace the goodyears with something better. they have 17,000 miles on
> them. The dealer said that I should have the tires rotated, or is that a
> bunch of bull?
> Thanks,
> Gary Hedlin
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