Benz Merger

From: Gary Ludwick (
Date: Tue Sep 22 1998 - 14:18:03 EDT

>>>thing that pisses me off about it all is that Clinton and this fine
>we've elected are allowing it to happen. All in the name of "Global
>cooperation" and a Global economy.

>What business is it of the Government's to tell anyone that they can or
>cannot merge or be bought out by anyone ?

>This is a capitalist economy that should be (but isn't always) based on a
>free market .

>I don't know about you , but I don't want the government in my life any
>more than they absolutely need to be to provide me with basic functions .

Right on the mark, Jack!
BTW, Robert Eaton didn't sell anything to anybody. He presented a
proposition to the know, those folks who actually own the
company...THEY made the decision to merge (same with DB). And if I'm not
mistaken, the federal govt. has very limited say in mergers between foreign
and domestic companies....only when they are both domestic can they shake a
big stick.
For my money, if CC gonna merge with someone, thank god it was
Daimler....nobody else comes close...IMHO.


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