RE: When is Carlisle? -Reply

From: Michael Z-Sykes (
Date: Mon Sep 28 1998 - 16:56:49 EDT

>>>When I drove back from Indiana I, basically, took (76/'s known as
both depending on where you catch it) to the Penn Turnpike and turned
right (I think on 70) :) to cut through MD and I caught the 15 from
there. You'd want to pick up anyone from MD (Doug), DC and Arlington
(Duff) then come down 495 (possibly out 66) to meet Rich and myself
we'd go a lil further to meet Mike D.<<<

I'm off of 81, but can get to 66 in the drop of a hat! Are we gonna' run up
95 or 81 to get there? I know 81 and 70 cross each other, but that's
about it. I don't go out to PA any further than Waynesboro, so I'm not all
that familiar with "the Keystone state"... he he

-mike d.

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