At 08:41 PM 9/30/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Holy tree hugger, Batman, I think we have an enviro-nut here!!
>In all seriousness, the guys got some good points (although hysterical)
>that are food for thought. I agree with balance and I agree the
>environment is an important concern but, come on, do you seriously think
>the dirt from a bicycle is an issue?!
Agreed. I think that a lot of people don't give mother nature
the credit she deserves. Nature is always in a constant state of
checks and balances... Nature is always trying to reach that middle
ground. Erode some ground here, and it'll show up downstream, bringing
with it essential nutrients. Nature is an awesome, unstoppable force.
It does whatever the heck it wants, and there's not much we can do
about it. Sure, we've been able to slow it down a little in
certain limited ways, but we definitely can't control it. Heck, to
get an idea about how little we really know about nature, take a look
at the local weather forecast! If we can't even tell what the weather
is going to be like (with any accuracy) how can we pretend to understand
the regional or global implications of manmade and/or natural events?
As far as the ozone layer, global warming, etc. goes, there's no
proof that I've seen which has convinced me we've got a thing to do
with it. Sure, some products and pollutants that we create will
destroy ozone (CFCs, etc), but that doesn't mean that we're responsible
for the hole in the ozone layer. In fact, studies have shown that
nature destroys a LOT more ozone that we ever could even if we tried!
There is a lot of evidence that seems to indicate the earth goes
through cycles where the ozone depletes, then is replenished, the earth
cools, warms up, etc... Saying that we're responsible for the hole in
the ozone layer is akin to saying we're responsible for winter, or the
phases of the moon. Its ludicrous. The ozone layer is going to do
whatever it wants, and there's not a thing we can do about it.
.--- ------------------------------------.
| Affiliations: DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA. RP-SEL |
| '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.77@92.97), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
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