Re: Re: Body Lift

From: Tony Sarro (
Date: Mon Oct 05 1998 - 14:51:58 EDT

That is something I have always wondered about I there must be some kinda of
law limiting how high up you can go. There is a black Ram with a V10
running around here in New Orleans and this truck could run over hounds and
not even notice or see them. I know I sure wouldn't like to get in a
accident with him.
Tony Sarro
-----Original Message-----
From: Walter_Felix <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 04, 1998 8:29 PM
Subject: DML: Re: Body Lift

>I have also heard something about not putting body lifts in trucks with air
>bags but I have seen hundreds of airbag equipped trucks at truck shows so I
>don't know how accurate that info was. I do know that there is a federal
>regulation limiting body lift to a maximum of 3".
>88' Dakota Sport 4x4
>-----Original Message-----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Date: Saturday, October 03, 1998 7:34 PM
>Subject: DML: Body Lift
>>Well, since it seems like noone is going to make a suspension lift for the
>>Daks (trailmaster has one, but none of their retailers can get them), l
>>decided to do a body lift for now. Does anyone on the list have a body
>>I am specifically interested in 97+ but would love to hear from anyone.
>>l need a source and cost for the lift. Is there one source that shines
>>the rest or are they all basically the same. I am looking for a 3 or 4
>>lift. Thanks for the info.

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