RE: Re: Radar Detectors... Or... How to Beat VA's law...

From: Craig Baltzer (Craig.Baltzer@Anjura.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 05 1998 - 23:34:06 EDT

Unfortunately, this "trick" has been tried in Ontario and doesn't seem
to work. Apparently here it does not become property of Canada Post and
thus have any protection until it is put into a postal receptical (i.e.
mail box).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerod J. Husvar []
Sent: October 5, 1998 10:48 AM
Subject: DML: Re: Radar Detectors... Or... How to Beat VA's law...


With all this discussion about radar detectors in Virginia, I figured it

was time for my subversive, counter-culture, sneaky nature to rear it's
ugly head and pass along a trick taught to me by truck drivers. (It is
against federal law to use a radar detector in a tractor-trailer,
commercial bus, and most other commercial vehicles.

Seeing as how those of us that do use radar detectors have probably
invested a minimum of $50, more like $100, or if you have a Valentine,
up to $400, losing one or seeing it smashed is gonna hurt, so here is
what you do. Buy yourself a big manila envelope, and address it to
yourself. Put the return address also to yourself, and put a postage
stamp on it. Keep this handy, the map pockets in the doors work nice in

your Dak... Now, when you get the blue & reds behind you, toss the
detector in the envelope and seal it. Congratulations, the only one
other than the recipient who can open US Mail is the Postmaster General,

and I doubt he's going to come out because some Virginia Redneck Patrol
wants him there. If he does open it, he has committed at least 2

Simple, easy, effective, and truely Civil Disobediance at work.

+Jerod J. Husvar + + + Rootstown, OH USA + This Space For Rent +
+1998 Dakota Sport V6 + +

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