> Mike Catlin wrote:
> >
> >
> > Gary,
> > I installed the ram air on my R/T. I'm real happy with it.
> > I have some detailed instructions if you want them just e-mail me
> > directly (kinda long) and i'll send them to any one who wants them.
> > I have some pic's of the finished job on my web site this should
> > get you there.
> >
> > http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/2566/
> >
> Mike,
> One question. You mentioned a funnel intake mounted somewhere down low
> for the driver's side tube. Is this the rectangular piece supplied by
> the Ram Air kit or did you do something else?
> That radiator overflow arrangement on the '97+ kinda blows as it uses up
> what would be a great air pickup point.
> Bob
I made it out of a floor register boot that you would use
in new construction. I recommend just buying one from Ram Air and
save yourself some time and trouble since I had to modify it to
make it work. The driver side 4" tube goes straight down kinda
in-between the battery & power steering pump then bends toward
the center of the car where it hooks up to the funnel that's
right behind the license facing forward (attached by rivets to the
base of the fan shroud). It doesn't affect ground clearance since
the bottom of the funnel is about as low as the bottom of the rear
differential. You also don't really notice it since I painted it black.
The passenger side intake goes right through the rubber splash boot
to the left of the radiator. I also saw where someone was going to
buy the 80 degree box instead of the 110. I would use the 110 or
you may have problems hitting the A/C.
Mike Catlin
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