Mirrors installed and watch out SS

From: Ben Vaughan (webmaster@dakattack.com)
Date: Tue Oct 20 1998 - 16:21:51 EDT

Well, after a lot of searching for some 6mm nuts, I have them and the
mirrors installed. The mirrors really give the truck a sportier
appearance..They look a lot better than the "Catcher's Mitt" stock
mirrors...If anyone out there decides to buy these mirrors, PLEASE e-mail me
so that I can tell what part of the instructions to change...All I have to
say is, Watch out street scene. They have a letter from me on the way and I
straight up told them what happened...I used this line in to provoke a bit
of guiltiness..."I am a member of the DML (Dakota Mailing List) which is a
list composed of 500+ Dodge Dakota owners. I have kept this list updated on
your product ever since I recieved. I told them about how the instructions
were botched and how unpleasant my whole experience was. This will probably
keep most of them from buying your product. However, if I would have had a
good experience, with clear and consise directions, I would have recommended
your company" BAAAHAHAHAHA

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