Re: now ultralights/glideslopes/5.9 aero motors/FLY NAVY

From: Jules Glogovcsan (
Date: Thu Nov 05 1998 - 12:20:45 EST


> To: ''
> Subject: DML: RE: Reply...was Dak ultralights
> Date: Thursday, November 05, 1998 1:18 AM
>.> > What's the V1 and V2 speed?

20 kts... 26kts... so long as thrust side - leading edge of prop... not

> > What's the Service Ceiling?


> > What is the balanced field length?

SFTO or...

> >
> > Does it have a constant speed, or fixed pitch prop??

in balanced flight... or after a crash...?

> >
> > What's the payload capacity, w/full fuel, and 1- FAA
> > 170# passenger?

10# +/- 1' fore/aft CG; excludes passenger and pilots weighing over 100#,
unless type-rated in the specific airframe and related instrumentation...
ie; up to 250# gross... excludes ALL hydraulic system models...

> >
> > And with ANY ultra light, do you have the balistic recovery
> > device armed??

once it goes ballistic... departs flight... noses over and falls thru to
left... enters the incipient phase of the spin... drives on in deeper...
buffets HARD to airframe G-limit... breaks... and then crashes... :)...
crash patrol dons their recovery suits... arms and pulls their pistols
out... searching for the border contraband... oh, yeah!

 From: Holloway,Frank T <Frank.T.Holloway@KP.ORG>
 Now this is good info.


flyin'?... lets go flyin'... nice weather when we took off... but...

(1st/LT USMC - former - ... FAA - SEL, MULTI-ENGINE, COMML, INSTR, Navy
trained, soloed Beech' T-34 A/B Mentor, Saufley Field, Pensacola, FL,
6/30/72, carrier-qualed May 7th, '73, T-2 Buckeye-twin engine jet
centerline thrust, July 12th '74 McDonnell-Douglas TA4-J Skyhawk-single
engine jet centerline thrust USS Lexington (selected "ace" of the first
flite at the Lex for solo return/student status/class week... (ya'll can
call me "3-wire"... if yas wants :-) )

"hey there...come on! let's go flyin'!... looking to trap - just up
ahead... come on! and... "Quick!", i might add... ..." emergency pending -
LOW FUEL! very low... sit down...don't touch nuttin'!!... [ jules sez:
"fasten seat belts, please! confirm your ejection seat pin - OUT &
stowed!... uh-huh... thanks..."click-click" :)"]..."damn... now where is
that damned boat... help me... look outside!... so grey!... is THAT the
horizen?... do you see the boat?!? THAT the horizen???!?... &^$#@!!
can you see the horizen?... got it... wind buffets bird HARD!... where the
hell is that damned boat?!?... oh, there... one-o'clock!... low... phew!...
fuel - low... calls boat w/ the numbers... low fuel... enters pattern..."
[left stick...tweaks L pedal, centers ball... 18-degree angle bank, flaps
DOWN... Speed Brakes - OUT!, nose up, power (tweaks) up... rolls onto
approach aligns angled deck...takes interval - dirty; landing config...
long... & deep..., tweaks power... (reads heads-up display) trims (tweaks)
nose UP, calls low fuel... airspeed 130KTS...130...130..., pattern
altitude... Gear Down, HOOK DOWN, (thinks again - HOOK DOWN! - and double
checks, - YES! - HOOK DOWN! - indicates HOOK DOWN!) "hook IS down!...",
( thinks no second chance, this time... *&^*&%!... low fuel... gotta
trap... first time... hook is down! gotta trap!) CHECKLIST - Complete!!...
cks heads -up, calls fuel... "LOW FUEL! *^$%@#!!!!!...360,...low fuel!."
LSO calls back "Roger 360, low fuel, #2 in pattern!" "318, #1 in pattern...
WAVEOFF!... WAVEOFF! depart pattern - immediately!!!...360, #2 bird, low
fuel", "318; roger, wilco! adds full MRT, cleaning up... settles a bit...
rolls right..." "cleared to land 360, now #1 in pattern, call
glideslope..." rog, 360... " ["OK back there?... here we go...hang on now!
big slide ahead...DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING :) !! hands/arms on each leg!,
please :) "] ... sets POWER 86% MRT, airspeed 115KTS...115...114, aligns
nose with deck, "360; glideslope!" LSO shouts "roger...CALL BALL" "360,
ROGER, CALL BALL, wilco, "... "BALL"... (boat getting bigger second by
second... getting bigger and bigger... like REAL fast!... big now...)
"BALL" (reads ball... scans inside/outside, reads ball... ) Power!"...
"Power!"..."on glideslope"... "angle"... "Angle", "ANGLE!!!"... "on
glideslope..." "Pitch!"... "roger"... "IN CLOSE"... "on glideslope"...
"roger"... tweaks power back... "on glideslope"... LSO calls..."LOW IN
CLOSE"... "power... POWER"... LSO screams "POWER!!"...(tweaks power, tweaks
nose down...) "BALL!"... BALL!...crosses net... clears ramp... LSO a brief
blurr... only grey deck ahead... water beyond...crrr-CRASHHHHH!!!!! and...
bird smashes hard on to rolling and pitching deck!... instantly FULL
POWER... engine spools up, SCREAMING REAL LOUD!! to MRT!... oleo struts
nearly ripping off wings at wing roots, wings flex...a lot... fuel tanks
shake...nose shimmys hard, inertia-reel locks BARELY keeping pilot(s) from
smashing face(s) HARD! into instrument panel!!!! ) a ('nother!) perfect
CONTROLLED CRASH! and gets THE 3-wire!... (phew!) {ya'll OK back there?}
Power - MRT!!! MAX Military Rated Thrust @ 104% ) yes!!, IT stopped! again!
("thanks God!") on the brakes - HARD!!!!,... calls fuel... "thirsty bird!!"
(thinks - hot coffee... ready room... hot shower...) still OK back
there...? begins taxi... "ahh-hh... 360, roger fuel..." and so it goes...
just SOP! day in; day out! ] squadron "top-gun" student Advanced
Guns/Rockets...fbo ops based Houston, TX "OK solo" - business/pleasure...
day/night, VFR/IFR local/X-country, Beech' Baron twin, Rockwell
AeroCommander 500 twin, Seneca Twin, Cardinal... "OK" for block time/Beech'
DUKE twin, pressurized, will fly 3-axis control ultra lites ONLY!!!!...
desires - float plane rating... for fishing trips up in alaska...
someday... sigh!)

also: .9 Huey Cobra... .3 PIC/.6 PASS...

"how was that landing...?"

now if ya's all wants to talk "fast"... like REAL FAST.... then you
DEFINITELY... want to do whatever it takes... to get a "CAT-SHOT! off of an
aircraft carrier... if possible! may have to join navy or marine aviation
program; after qualifyinging... etc" Try... 0 to 150 mph (135KTS +/-) in 2
1/2 seconds... a 4 1/2 G ride.... AWESOME!... simply stated AWESOME!!....
:) and awesome only comes close :)... ahhhh, those were the days my
firends... ahhhh... those were my "WARRIOR DAYS".... (sigh) a long way from
tbis and UPS boxes... but i love 'em both :-)

FLY NAVY... a wonderfull life (adventure)

good dakota/dml mechanics/smart guys/w degrees... make good naval air
candidates... if qualified and accepted... :) try it.. you'll like it. I
guarantee it!

working on '99 dakota water cooled r/t 5.9 truck engine for ultra lite
retrofit, w/constant speed prop, fully acrobatic, inverted injection/oil
system... looking into modifying JBA headers (used and rejected by dml JBA
group buy deal customer... bought for $50) to be used as custom-fitted HIGH
OUTPUT augmentation tubes... airframe to be stressed .1G +/-... fixed
gear... gee, wonder what V1/V2 ought to be...?... having trouble with
hydraulics... due to payload limitation; ie aerodymamics/load... film@11!

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