Re: Santa Drives a Dak!

From: GSWillhite (
Date: Fri Nov 06 1998 - 11:16:55 EST

Cool John! you should of pulled Santa over and gave
him a list of high performance parts you need. You've
been a good boy right!

GS -

> As I was driving to work this morning, I noticed a white Dak in front of
> me. It was a pre-1997 body style RC. Hanging in the back window,
> behind the passenger seat, was a red fur jacket with a white fur
> collar. As I passed the Dak, I noticed it was being driven by an
> elderly white-haired gentleman with a full (and I mean FULL) beard.
> My best guess is that Santa's vacation in Florida is over with and it's
> time to get back to work, so he was headed North on I-85 through Atlanta
> this morning.
> Remember: Santa drives a Dak!
> - --John K.

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