The blades touch (closed) just a hair.... I checked it prior to
installation, and Bruce
confirmed this. It feels like I have a real heavy return spring at first,
then it is fine.
Sam '95 SLT
-----Original Message-----
From: Holloway,Frank T <Frank.T.Holloway@KP.ORG>
To: '' <>
Date: Monday, November 09, 1998 6:42 PM
Subject: DML: RE: TB results (Day #1) and other shtuff.
>Does it feel like the throttle blades are actually sticking in the throttle
>bores or is it more touchy just off idle??? The big bore has no throttle
>plate shrouding in the bores. Actually a lot more air just off idle. Take a
>look for me in the TB and see if there is any significant sign of rubbing
>the throttle bores themselves. On the
>Stage I, I leave some of the shrouding in so there isn't that surge just
>idle. The Stage I sacrifices some of the top end flow in favor of the
>smoothness just off idle.
>It will definitely be more pronounced with the five speed. Thanks for the
>help and testing.....
> Frank
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sam Parthemer []
>> Sent: Monday, November 09, 1998 3:06 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: DML: TB results (Day #1) and other shtuff.
>> Attn: Frank, Bruce.
>> TB results. The TB idled fine from the start, and still
>> does (no adjustments needed). Throttle response is a little bit of
>> Jeckle & Hyde..... a slight blade sticking from idle is probably 80% to
>> blame, the other 20% is true HP gains off idle.
>> Running WOT the intake noise is about 25%-50% louder, and the
>> pull from 2000-4000 RPM is noticebly more powerful. Driving in
>> city traffic (3rd gear) 40 mph, the throttle response is a little
>> tricky (see sticking above), as only 1/8th throttle needed to 'jump
>> on it', with anything more and I just about spin the tires (at
>> 40 mph!). I had my wife drive the truck (not telling her what to
>> expect), and told her to 'get on it' while getting on the freeway.
>> I'd have to say the 3 neck snaps I received made me grin/laugh..
>> (2nd-3rd, 3rd-4th, and 4th-5th). She said it felt 'snappier', and
>> that she didn't need to bury her foot between shifts to get it to
>> 'get up and go.'
>> So far the mpg seems about the same given the 80 miles I have
>> driven, and a fill up Wednesday will probably confirm that. I do
>> have a slight pinging problem about 4200 rpm under load (in 4th
>> gear) similar to what I had prior to installing a 180 TSTAT. I
>> will try a different gas station on Wednesday to confirm that it
>> isn't a fuel quality problem. It might be a leaning out situation
>> at WOT, as I can back off a tad, and it goes away (and the truck
>> still pulls just fine).
>> Saturday night on the way home from the Mopar Club
>> meeting I must say that I got my butt 'wooped' on the way home.
>> Safe to say my wife's RT is broken in now!!! Side by side top
>> gear, the RT pulls away smartly @ 60... @ 65 I can stay with
>> her, and @ 70 I pull a 1 truck length (all runs to 85 mph)...
>> I cheated once and dropped to 4th and pulled a 3 length run on
>> her :P
>> From 80 (even speed) we did a 105 run... up hill...and down hill..
>> and we were dead even side by side..kinda made me mad, but I definately
>> know now that I have at least 500 hp in the driveway!
>> Sunday took the RT for a 150 mile sunday drive, and at the fill
>> up (with miles from the previous day/night) I got a 14.5 mpg...
>> not too bad, running 65-75 half the time, and the other doing
>> 25-45 mph through the winding mtn. roading in the east county.
>> Sam '95 SLT
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