Re: New web address

From: Bob Nichols (
Date: Thu Nov 12 1998 - 21:43:18 EST wrote:
> Hey all,
> I woke up this morning and had no mail from the DML and come home after work
> to find 199 emails in my mailbox. Anyways, I have a new
> <A HREF=">web address</A>.New Pics will come soon.
> And does anyone know What is the difference between a bumper cover and an
> airdam?
> thanks,
> 2me

Yea Toomy, I just spoke to Xenon yesterday to clarify that. Look at the
catalog closley and you'll see a horizontal line aprox 3" from the top
of the bumper, thats where the cover ends and the air dam starts. You'll
need both pcs. Bob

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