re: Stage One "eono" TB status

From: brian duffey (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 16:33:00 EST

Heck Bruce, no need to apologize... you and Frank are doing
the rest of us a hugh service! I'm eager to get my TB, but realistically
don't see anytime between now and end of holidays that I'll have a
chance to install it. Just send me the info. when you want my $$.

Original Text
From BBRIDGES@SMTPGATE (Bridges, Bruce) {}, on
11/12/1998 2:42 PM:

Dml TBers...
We (Frank and I) have experienced about a week of delays getting the first
wave of the stage One TBs assembled and shipped. The assembly should be
done in the next week, so we expect to ship the first one on monday (14 Dec
98) (we will try, but sh*t happens) Anyhow, sorry for the delays. I know
that we all have been waiting for a while on these things soooo we will do
what we can!
Thanks for your patience!
Bruce K Bridges

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