[Fwd: My R/T is at the bottom of a river...]

From: Alan Short (ashort@flash.net)
Date: Sat Dec 12 1998 - 13:37:12 EST

Glad your Dad is OK! Sorry to hear about the Dak. I'll pour some Beer on
the ground for her tonight. Also a cheap lesson for me, NO Cruise on wet
slippery roads. Alan S.

attached mail follows:

My dad was driving my Black '98 R/T to Louisiana to see his parents. He was
about an hour into the trip when he decided to set the cruise. But it was
raining and the roads were covered with water....he began to hydroplane and
before he could do anything the cruise took over and the engine revved. He
got sideways and ended up in the ditch. He almost regained control but
couldn't pull it out. He ended up in a culvert under a bridge. He thought
it was gonna be ok, so he cut the engine off so it wouldn't get water in it,
but then the truck started to shift...and water started to leake in. He
turned the key back on so he could roll the windows down to get out cause he
couldn't open the door. He bailed out the window and climbed up the bank.
He was standing on the side of the road in the pouring down rain trying to
flag someone down. He finally got someone and called the Highway Patrol.
After he dried off he called someone to come get him and bring him home, and
then he broke the news to me. I would have cried, but I was just glad he
was ok. At the moment my R/T with 4,000 miles on it is sitting under a
bridge in a huge ditch filled with water. It'll be a while till they get it
out, cause it keeps raining. Thank God for insurance. Now I get to order a
99 i guess.

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